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First 5 Monterey County
Holiday Greetings: Community Annual Report

With the holiday season in full swing, it's nice to step back from the hustle and bustle to appreciate our loved ones. Much of the year-round work of First 5 Monterey County funded partners focuses on the loved ones of our extended community--children, families, caregivers, providers, and educators. This work helps nurture each child's own unique growth and development while laying the foundation for the success of our future students, workforce, and leaders.

Like many holiday greetings, we are taking this time to showcase our year—providing a glimpse into the broad and holistic efforts happening in Monterey County in partnership with community and county organizations. First 5 Monterey County's 2016/2017 Community Annual Report highlights "Snapshots" of work with our funded partners. Each Snapshot provides examples of how our $7.1 million investment impacted families and communities during 2016/2017. The Snapshots also spotlight individuals and families receiving First 5 funded services, featuring examples of how First 5 is working with partners and the community towards the vision that All children reach their unique potential in a family and community that values, respects, and invests in early childhood.

Looking forward to 2018, we will be sharing more information about our support for Integrated Service Collaboratives (Collaboratives), which work together with families to help foster their child's growth in all areas of development and provide connections to resources.

We would like to extend our gratitude to our funded partners and early childhood advocates who work both tirelessly and collaboratively for young children and their families in Monterey County and throughout the state.

Warm wishes this holiday season—may your days be merry and bright.

Happy New Year!

First 5 Monterey County Staff

Community Annual Report Snapshots

Young children thrive through healthy relationships with their family and community. The positive day-to-day interactions children have with their parents and caregivers-like talking, reading, singing, and playing- help them develop the skills they need to succeed in school and life. Understanding this importance, First 5 Monterey County invests in playgroups that help families nurture important parent-child relationships, learn about their child's unique development, and find connections to loc... READ MORE

The pressures and demands of raising a child can be challenging for even the best-prepared parent. Home visiting, the practice of trained parent educators meeting families in their homes with support and resources, helps parents understand the tremendous impact they can have on their child's early brain development. Home visitors model and encourage parents to interact with their child in ways that support early language and social-emotional skills-leading to improvements in a child's school rea... READ MORE

Supporting children with quality early care and education begins with a strong and qualified workforce. The knowledge that 90 percent of brain development happens in the first five years of life has fundamentally changed a common perception that child care is "just babysitting." Numerous studies show that teacher effectiveness is an important factor in improving the quality of early learning programs and leads to success in school and life. Realizing the importance of early education providers,... READ MORE

1125 Baldwin Street
Salinas, CA 93906
(831) 444-8637 (fax)
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