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Monterey County Families! The 2020 Census deadline is looming! Be sure to count all children living with you to ensure a better future for Monterey County.  

While the deadline may be extended due to a court order, this pending decision doesn't mean you should wait to complete the Census — it means you should complete it today. Please take a moment to check on your friends, colleagues, and neighbors — ask if they have completed the Census and, if they have not, encourage them to make sure they submit their count online before the current deadline.

Responding to the Census is safe, secure, and confidential. Unfortunately, children ages 0-5 are often missed which has a negative impact on their future. An accurate count helps ensure that our County gets the funding it needs over the next 10 years to support essential resources such as hospitals, childcare, food assistance, schools, and early childhood development.

In addition, the Census plays a key role in disaster response and preparation. Statistics from the Census help determine rescue coordination and where new fire stations are built. With the recent wildfires, it's crucial to complete your 2020 Census so Monterey County can achieve an accurate count to better determine emergency relief efforts and funding.

There are several ways to complete the Census:

  • Fill it out online at my2020census.gov 
  • Complete the Census via phone
    • English: 844-330-2020
    • Spanish: 844-468-2020 
  • Respond via mail by filling out the form that was sent to your home address

For more information, visit 2020census.gov.

1125 Baldwin Street
Salinas, CA 93906
(831) 444-8637 (fax)
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