While we work for long-term systems change, we are also working hard to support immediate needs. Here are some updates on ways we have addressed some of these needs:
- Partnered with local nonprofits, churches, and city governments to distribute 402,674 diapers, 490,200 wipes, and 400 cans of formula for community partners and family resource centers. A big thank you to funders who jumped in with additional support so we could expand our initial efforts: the California Family Resource Association, Central Coast Alliance for Health, the Community Foundation for Monterey County, and Sunlight Giving.
- Provided Technical Assistance (TA) to child care center consultants via intensive virtual supports to programs that developed and implemented new protocols that allowed them to continue care and education for children of essential workers. Learn more about TA here.
- Provided virtual on-going small reflective groups with mental health consultants to a variety of early childhood development practitioners who are essential workers in their own right.
- Met with all local legislators to raise up family and workforce experience to the state level and elevated local voices during 5 virtual bilingual legislative visits with 34 meeting participants.
- Funded and distributed 2,500 Shelter & PLAY Family Fun Boxes in partnership with MyMuseum and other funders that went to wildfire evacuees and other families across the county.
- Distributed gift cards to evacuees from the Carmel Fire, River Fire, and Dolan Fire.
- All F5MC staff are participating in Toward a Racially Equitable Monterey County training to further educate ourselves and examine our organizational process to support resident-led community transformations.